⚡️ I was once a Fashion Editor for a national newspaper’s Sunday supplement and styled celebrities and the magazine’s fashion shoots. I crossed over to the digital side and started my blog, Style & Substance when I was made redundant and had Daisy.
⚡️I live next door to my in laws. As in actually next door (we share a wall) and we have done for the past 4 years.
⚡️I’m ridiculously superstitious - magpies, Friday the 13th and 3 drains are just some of the daily occurrences that freak me out.
⚡️I am a big fan of Grey’s Anatomy and have been since the beginning. It’s not been the same since McDreamy died (IMO) but that’s another story...
⚡️I’m a wimp when it comes to scary films. Embarrassingly so. Twilight (yes the vampire film) terrified me and I recently braved Luther but haven’t slept the same since 👀